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Apply Assertions

Apply assertions will be run after running terraform apply.


Asserts that terraform apply succeeds.

- name: <name>
  type: ApplySucceeds
- name: ApplyShouldSucceed
  type: ApplySucceeds
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No


Compares a specified terraform output with an expected value.

- name: <name>
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: <output_name>
  value: <value>
# `value` is of string type
- name: ASimpleOutputEqualExample
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: sample_output
  value: a sample value

# `value` is of boolean type
- name: OutputEqualExampleForBool
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_boolean_output
  value: true

# `value` is of float type
- name: OutputEqualExampleForFloat
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_float_output
  value: 123.11
# `value` is of map type
- name: OutputEqualExampleForMap
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_map_output
    key: value
# `value` is of sequence type
- name: OutputEqualExampleForList
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_list_output
    - a
    - b
    - c
# `value` is of an object type.
# Note this example does not have `complete_match` enabled and
# so it only checks the terraform output for keys and their values
# for the specified fields (In this case, it checks values of "seq",
# "map", "nested_map", "nested_key", and "boolean" and ignores other
# fields).
- name: OutputEqualExampleForComplexOutput
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_complex_output
      - a
      - b
      - c
      key: value
        nested_key: nested_value
    boolean: true
# `value` is of an object type, and a complete match is done
- name: OutputEqualExampleForComplexOutputWithCompleteMatch
  type: OutputEqual
  output_name: a_complex_output
  complete_match: true      # Complete match is set to true
    natural_number: 100
    float: 123.11
      - a
      - b
      - c
    str: hello
      key: value
        nested_key: nested_value
    boolean: true
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No
output_name Terraform output name to compare String Yes
value The expected value - value can be of complex data type including objects consisting of maps, sequences, booleans, floats, integers, etc String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Map, Sequence, Object Yes
complete_match Whether to match the full output by making sure the terraform output value has exactly the same fields specified in value - false by default Boolean No


Compares multiple terraform outputs and asserts that all the specified outputs have the same value.

- name: <name>
  type: OutputsAreEqual
    - <output_name_1>
    - <output_name_2>
- name: TwoOutputsMustMatch
  type: OutputsAreEqual
    - sample_output
    - another_output
- name: MultipleOutputsMustMatch
  type: OutputsAreEqual
    - sample_output
    - another_output
    - yet_another_output
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No
output_names List of terraform output names Sequence of String Yes


Asserts that the specified terraform output contains a specified string.

- name: <name>
  type: OutputContains
  output_name: <output_name>
  value: <value>
- name: OutputContainsACertainSubString
  type: OutputContains
  output_name: sample_output
  value: a certain substring
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No
output_name Name of the terraform output String Yes
value A substring that the terraform output must contain String Yes


Asserts that the specified terraform output matches a specified regular expression.

- name: <name>
  type: OutputMatchesRegex
  output_name: <output_name>
  regex: <value>
- name: OutputShouldMatchARegularExpression
  type: OutputMatchesRegex
  output_name: a_fourth_output
  regex: strings \w+ \d+ apple \d\s+\w+
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No
output_name Name of the terraform output String Yes
regex Regular expression that the terraform output should match against String Yes


Asserts that terraform apply added, and/or changed, and/or destroyed a specified number of resources.

- name: <name>
  type: ResourcesAffected
  added: <added>
  changed: <changed>
  destroyed: <destroyed>
# This only asserts that 1 resource has been added.
- name: MustAddExactlyOneResource
  type: ResourcesAffected
  added: 1

# This only asserts that 5 resources have been changed.
- name: MustChangeFiveResource
  type: ResourcesAffected
  changed: 5

# This only asserts that 1 resource has been destroyed.
- name: MustDestroyOneResource
  type: ResourcesAffected
  destroyed: 1
# This only asserts that 1 resource has been added, and 5 were changed.
- name: MustAffectSpecificNumberOfResources
  type: ResourcesAffected
  added: 1
  changed: 5

# This only asserts that 1 resource has been added, 5 were changed, and 0 were destroyed.
- name: MustAffectSpecificNumberOfResources
  type: ResourcesAffected
  added: 1
  changed: 5
  destroyed: 0
Inputs Description Type Required
name Name for the assertion String No
added Number of resources that must have been added Integer No
changed Number of resources that must have been changed Integer No
destroyed Number of resources that must have been destroyed Integer No


At least one of added, changed, or destroyed must be specified. If a field is not specified, infra-tester will not check against that specific field. Note that the default for unspecified fields is not zero.


Similar to ResourcesAffected, but asserts that no resources have been added, changed, or destroyed.

- name: <name>
  type: NoResourcesAffected
- name: MustAffectNoResource
  type: NoResourcesAffected